All in Random

In Defense of Public Defense

For justice to be fair and equitable, communities require qualified and unbiased members of the judiciary, prosecutors, and public defenders. Three years ago, I was selected to serve on a three-person panel overseeing the public defense program in LaPorte County. Just last week, the board began interviewing potential candidates to replace the current Chief Public Defender, Craig Braje, a significant matter within our local legal community. As the general public may not always recognize the importance of public defense and its impact on both the country and the local community, it is important to explain why this aspect of our civic structure deserves attention.

Indiana, what do we value?

All my life, my father has repeated this axiom, "If you want to know what someone values, take a look at their pocketbook." While that's not true in every circumstance, there is some truth to it. If we value the development of children and education in Indiana, we should be willing to compete with the states that are compensating their educators far more than the Hoosier state.